Tuesday, June 9, 2009

life as a communication specialist

3 weeks done. 5 weeks to go. Like expected, I continue to move at lightening speed to finish projects accurately and in time. No time to catch any breaths. But I am learning.

I have battled the Quark monster more than once and it no longer wins every match. Occassionally I take the win and walk away with something usable.

I was able to sit in on a meeting with a outside designer which rocked! I was pretty stressed and tired so I'm not sure how I appeared but the meeting went well. My brain even functioned during most of it. [side note: I've been dealing with some brain malfunctioning recently.]

I've been building and packaging images for laymen and designers alike to use. Also working on some very basic supplemental material for their Leaders Live Evangelism event. I wish I could do some more serious design work for them but supplemental is still something. Right?

I am updating the Web site whenever called upon. Sometimes dipping into the dynamic pool of php. I'm not changing the water at all-- just what is inside the water right now. I'm working on learning php though. I also field questions that come through our webhelp email address. Those are fun. ;)