Again, during my pursuit of employment information to mull over, I have a found a golden nugget. I can't tell you how many times I have been told to form a mission statement or find my passion. This is apparently critical for my job search. My mind always swirled around possibilities but never landed in paydirt. I liked photography. I liked design. I like online-anything. I don't mind analyzing and writing. Ultimately, I like exercising different parts of my brain.
Being an IDM major was awesome! Each day was full of something different! I would spend hours in the art studio intricately producing a final product after a mind-boggling number of hours spent in brainstorming. Then hop over to another lab and troubleshoot some new trick in Flash that my teacher had assigned. Then off to shoot a story for the yearbook. Then spend my evening choosing photos, writing cutlines, and editing my work. Burning the midnight oil with research and analysis on the next day's assignments. Daily being given tasks that I had no previous exposure and then watching myself handle them. I knew nothing about behind-the-website and imagine the enormity of tackling Javascript 1. I hadn't taken an art class since 7th grade, folks. Now sit beside me in Intro to Design class. Then onto the world of web publishing, advertising, and marketing. Everything was new to me but everything seemed possible. I wasn't scared to learn. In fact, I liked to learn.
So back to the point, what is my passion? These last four years of learning have overtaken my mind with possibilities and I needed to step back and think. Just a few months ago, I decided my goal was to eventually help international missionaries tell their story to supporters, possible coworkers, and the world at large. I still believe in this but now I need to think deeper. What did God build me to do right now? January of 2009. This time in my life is not a waste. It is specifically crafted to be a part of God's plan.
I like photography, design, writing, etc., but I definitely want to pursue the online presence. Web. How I am going to do this? That is yet to be decided. Check in soon for an update on this passion mission!
Levi is ELEVEN!
2 months ago
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